Letter of response to a workplace direction to vaccinate

Letter of response to a workplace direction to vaccinate

Former Senator Rod Culleton has drafted a template letter that may assist in preserving an individual’s right to employment.

Culleton said today he would help offer remedy to individuals being coerced into receiving a medical procedure to keep their employment.

Rod Culleton explains the letter of response

Tim Dwyer explains further

Below is a list of template letters by State. Download the applicable template letter to your State.

Western Australia


Northern Territory

South Australia

New South Wales

Australian Capital Territory



s 162(1) Public Health Act 2016 (WA)
s 203(2)
 Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (VIC)
s 362D
 Public Health Act 2005 (QLD)
s 120(4)
 Public Health Act 1997 (ACT)
s 101(2)
 Emergency Management Act 2013 (NT)
s 81
 South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (SA)
s 10
 Public Health Act 2010 (NSW)
s 242(1)
 Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (TAS)
George v Rockett
 [1990] HCA 26; 170 CLR 104; 64 ALJR 384; 93 ALR 483; 48 A Crim R 246
High Court unanimously holds that Queensland Rail is a trading corporation within the
meaning of s 51(xx) of the Constitution
 Constitution Act 1889 (WA)
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Act
s 118
 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
Stay of the Emergency Temporary Standard Requiring Mandatory Vaccines or Testing for All Employers (US)
Emergency Temporary Standard Stayed
 by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (US)

*Not to be taken as legal advice, just good advice.

Authorised by Ian Nelson for the Great Australian Party, 65 Cardinal Cct, Caboolture, 4510