Water is the only resource that Australia lacks; therefore, it is essential to conserve this valuable commodity.
We propose an integrated catchment management plan to be developed and implemented Australia-wide, to ensure adequate storage and supply of water and prevent its degradation.
Water management practices to eliminate salination. The discharge of sewerage to bay or ocean outlets, to be phased out and the reuse of treated grey water and wherever possible the piping of it inland for irrigation, hydrating fodder nurseries in drought affected areas and improving flow of river systems.
We do not believe in the commercialisation of a God given resource for the exploitation of Australians and for the profit of a few.
The Great Australian Party (GAP) believes that water is so important that it should have its own portfolio. As the world’s driest continent (after Antarctica), Australia must use its water resources wisely. The main problem is more one of unequal distribution and storage rather than shortage.
We propose water management practices to provide adequate storage, eliminate salination and the discharge of sewerage to bay or ocean outlets. Reuse of suitably treated waste grey water and wherever possible the piping of it inland for irrigation & improving the flow of inland river systems.
We do not believe in the commercialisation of a God given resource for the exploitation of Australian’s for the profit of a few. Environmental fundamentalism is driving policies that are eroding our property rights through variously increasing the regulatory burden. (Water charges and Council of Australian Governments (COAG)).
We oppose Agenda 21 and other Illegal United Nations (UN) treaties including COAG, UN and World Bank Water Resources Management agreements that involve the charging of farmers for rainwater that falls and is stored on their properties.
Section 100 of The Constitution: The Commonwealth shall not, by any law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a state or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation. We encourage a board of farmers to be involved in water management and the conservation.
We oppose COAG management of water resources, as the focus is not on improving water supplies. To the uninitiated it means they are going to corporatise the catchment areas, then privatise them, then foreignise them.
Great Water Projects (Supported By GAP)
These schemes would provide a huge benefit to our inland, but the pressures of globalism and native title are now there to obstruct any project of benefit to Australia.
Solving Our Salination Problem
Australia’s salinity problems can be turned to advantage, helping to create regional industries, jobs, & an improved environment. An opportunity exists to tackle salinity by extracting valuable minerals and chemicals for industry from saline ground waters and so reduce their impact on the landscape and agriculture.
Substances dissolved in our salty ground waters can be used in the making of fertilisers, light metals, plastics, industrial chemicals, oil refining, pesticides, glass, fibre glass, ceramics, bleach, soaps, detergents, dyes, inks, sewerage treatment, sugar refining, alcohol brewing etc. Ordinary salt can be crystallised out of groundwater by evaporation, then used to make chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium metal, soda ash, sodium bicarbonate and table salt. Among these are substances that can be used in the processing of titanium and zirconia. Once the salt is removed the water known as “bittern: still contains Magnesium, potassium, sulphates, boron, strontium, bromine, iodine and other useful compounds, the mineral sands also contain titanium. Salt affected areas can be water harvested which can be diluted in order to flow waterways for inclusion water piped from the Ord River to hydrate rural Australia.
GAP supports all proposals, we believe in real initiatives to improve our water supplies, quality and eliminate pollution, salinity and neglect, fish and other marine life have become scarce, once deep waterways are now silted and stagnate, as tidal flow is restricted.
With established Australian weather and drought patterns, it may be worthwhile considering a cogeneration plant to pump supply fresh water inland for intensified agriculture.
GAP does not support the current fluoridation of drinking water under current legislation. There is no control over the metering of the fluoride into the water supply as per the legislation. Legislation in Victoria specifies one part per million of fluoride into the water supply. Dr. Richard Britton the Chief Metrologist for the National Measurements Institute has confirmed verbally to a member of GAP that one part per million is too small an amount to certify on any equipment that he knows about. NSW and South Australia classify Fluoride as a waste product.
GAP asks the question why would the Department of Human Services insist on installing Fluoride metering equipment into all of our water supplies without proper metering under the Victorian legislation and why are they insisting on a waste product into our water supply. Also why are they forcing fluoride into drinking water for dental health when only 25% goes through our mouth.
These are the reasons we at GAP oppose Fluoride.