GAP is committed in respecting our Seniors who have pioneered this country. Australians of mature age should be classified as Seniors & should be entitled to receive appropriate benefits. They should not suffer demeaning categorisation such as Pensioners, Aged, Older person etc. Those who have contributed through the Social Security Contribution levy, upon reaching retirement age, should be entitled to their full pension, without assets test, & free health & medical benefits. They should also be encouraged, not hindered in developing any supplementary secure & independent source of income for their retirement.
GAP proposes that all Australian’s over the age of 55, be classified as Seniors. They should not suffer demeaning categorisation such as aged, pensioners etc.
All Seniors who have contributed through the Social Security Contribution levy, upon reaching retirement age, will be entitled to their full pension, without assets test.
GAP will lower the retirement age option to 60 for all, as due to coalition government policies, many jobs have been lost. Many have been made redundant, & due to age have little or no chance of another full time job, lowering retirement age will save further hardship.
Free Health & Medical care for all Seniors during retirement.
GAP will propose a National Superannuation Fund, in competition to private funds, to which all will be encouraged to contribute too, as a secure & independent source of additional income in retirement, to supplement their Social Security Pension.
GAP will encourage all commercial interests to provide discounts to Senior Card holders, including major retail groups, & fuel retail outlets.
Social Security Pensions to be indexed quarterly, with indexation based on a ‘basket of goods’ more representative of Seniors spending, including fuel.
Re-introduction of widows pension, especially war widows.
GST an unfair tax on the extra services that seniors require in advancing years of retirement. Tax reform will replace this & also protect savings for retirement.
Senior Card discount concessions to be provided on all public services. Eg: transport, phones, licences, registration fees, rates Passports, etc.
GAP will cap the value of senior’s family home & investment properties at original purchase price, so as to protect them from spiralling inflation at a time when their incomes are restricted. This will save them from having to divest of their assets or being forced into the hands of the banks.