
To actively promote & encourage the planning & development of more efficient transport systems, including improved roads and rail, national upgrading of highways & traffic rules to worlds best practice.

Australian shipping lines, suburban & country electric railways, standard national rail gauge. Reduction of fuel prices, encouragement of use of environmentally friendly propane & maintaining a 50% + Australian owned Qantas airline.

Sensible national speed limits, provision of incentives rather than penalties to encourage road safety, & work toward removing tolls.

GAP will promote & encourage the planning & development of Efficient, safe, transport systems.

Improved roads, rail & toll free main & national highways, especially 6 lane freeways, & bridges. Continental south and east/west road links eg: Perth to Albany and Kalgoorlie dual lane Hwy, funded by fuel & Debit-tax.

Standardisation of transport systems with adoption of standard rail gauge in all states including any upgrade to drought effected area’s.

Road rules to be upgraded to international standards, including sensible speed limits on all National Highways.

Speed limits will be monitored by accurate certified measuring devices for the purpose of gaining evidence of any dangerous activities on public highways and connecting roads. This system is not designed to be a source of revenue but its sole purpose is to establish an accurate record of any dangerous and radical behaviour that may place the general public in any sort of jeopardy.
Transport owner operators to receive fair freight rates, working hours, & lower operating costs.

We will re-regulate fuel prices & remove all excise tax on Australian produced liquid fuels. (refer to energy policy for details) Aviation air service costs have risen in recent times, & have & are contributing to the demise of the aviation industry. We will make all efforts to reduce these & cut red tape that restricts our air services. We oppose leasing of any ports and sale of our airports to private mainly foreign interests & we will work to reverse this.

We will encourage Australian owned aviation industry.

We encourage greater efficiency of our ports & Australian ownership of them.

We support an Australian owned & operated Maritime fleet.

We oppose the corporatization & sale of our National & State railways, efficiency will improve & direct jobs are secure under the public sector.