Tribal Federation

The Great Australian Party walk beside the Tribal Sovereign’s of Australia to unite and bring forward a new dimension in policies to enrich the land and invoke a new beginning to walk as one. 

GAP will create a ‘National Tribal Federation’ to unite all tribes within Australia so as to establish, recognise and re-enliven the inalienable Birth Right of the Tribal Sovereign’s across this nation. 

GAP will additionally establish a ‘Tribal & Islander Council’ to overhaul ALL Land Rights legislation ~ to end the legislative extinguishment of Individual Birth Rights to the land, with a fair and equitable outcome for those that have suffered due to the colonisation of this land.

This will be realised through Tribal Business plans to enrich the land and create industry by the ‘National Tribal Federation’ for the benefit of the Tribal individual as a combined Federation.

The time has come for change, and the time to act is now, only you can make this change by voting to close the GAP between our Great Nations so as to walk together as one.


Memorandum Of Understanding 30th August 2020