
Quo Warranto Senators

Quo Warranto Senators

Notice to Murray Watts, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has been served.

QuoWarrantoSenators (scanned pdf)

QuoWarrantoSenators (docx)

The editable Word doc above could be used for any Bill that was purportedly enacted by the Parliament post 1973.
Edit as appropriate.

Posted by admin in Constitution


Western Australian Act


10 .         Engagement to be subscribed by officers and constables

No person shall be capable of holding any office, or appointment in the Police Force, or of acting in any way therein, until he shall have subscribed the following engagement, namely —

I, A.B., engage and promise that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen, in the office of [ Commissioner of Police, inspector, sub-inspector, or other officer, or constable, as the case may be ], without favour or affection, malice, or illwill, until I am legally discharged; that I will see and cause Her Majesty’s peace to be kept and preserved, and that I will prevent, to the best of my power, all offences against the same; and that, while I shall continue to hold the said office, I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

And the said engagement shall be subscribed in the presence of and attested by a Justice or commissioned officer of the Force.

        [Section 10 amended: No. 91 of 1975 s. 4.]

Posted by admin in Constitution
Notice to Commissioner of Police

Notice to Commissioner of Police

Notice to Col Blanch, Western Australian Police Commissioner of Police.

In part:

“This matter arises in light of new proposed legislation (Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 and proposed amendments foreshadowed Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972) “The Acts claiming inter alia, to affect our private land rights through the Legislature of Parliament of Western Australia.”

First Notice

FirstNoticeColBlanchNoticeOfConstitutionalDeparture (August 8th 2023, 5 page pdf)

We encourage everyone to print this out, Sponsor (autograph/sign under “Sponsor” on last page),
email it to: or

and then post by Registered Mail to:

Col Blanch,
acting as Commissioner of Police,
WESTERN AUSTRALIA POLICE ABN 91 724 684 688, Trading as Western Australian Police,
Police Headquarters,
6th Floor,
2 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth,
Western Australia.

Second Notice

Reminder to Notice of Constitutional Departure – Police – Official Sep2023 (September 7th 2023, 2 page pdf)

Third Notice

Reminder to Notice of Constitutional Departure – Police – Official Oct2023 (October 4th 2023, 2 page pdf)

Fourth Notice

Legislative Assurance & Constitutional Prohibition-CoP-Dec2023 (December 12th 2023, 3 page pdf)

Constitutional Report 1988 Extracts

(sent with fourth Notice) Select Extracts Constitutional Report 1988-DD (7 page pdf by Darren D)


(also sent with fourth Notice) Addendum – References for Constitutional Authority (4 page pdf)


Posted by admin in Constitution, General

Rally Tuesday 15th August 2023, 12pm Parliament House

Parliament House,
Tuesday 15th of August at 12pm

Join the Rural Action Movement at OUR Parliament House, Tuesday 15th of August at 12pm.
Rally together and stand for our farmers and our food security!

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 is more than a threat to farmers, food security and your property!

The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 has very little to do with racial issues, it is largely about controlling farmers and land in a way that has never been done in history. “Sustainable” for the globalists is NOT sustainable for We The People, including our farmers.

Speakers will include Greg Kenney, President Rural Action Movement, Rod Culleton, Vice President Rural Action Movement and former Senator, Len Harris, former Senator, and Darren Dixon, Constitutional advisor, addressing matters at the Legislature level.

International singing star Kelly Newton-Wordsworth will open the assembly!

Please circulate the flyer below!

RAMRallyFinal (A4 pdf)

Posted by admin in Constitution, General


Axe the ACTS!

Speaker Rod Culleton
Date: Friday 21st of July 2023 | Time: 10am
Where: Esperance Civic Centre | Capacity 400 max.
Tickets $10 through Esperance Civic Centre  (to cover venue hire and confirm numbers)
Get your tickets here:

Please feel free to share the flyer around.
AxeTheACTS (A5 pdf)

Posted by admin in General

Official Notice to WA Department of Premier and Cabinet, Anthony De Paulo Buti on record

Live stream from 29th June 2023, Rod Culleton questions Department of Premier and Cabinet over validity of process, and thus law, Western Australia Constitution Act 1889, s2 Legislature, and Western Australia Interpretation Act 1984.

OFFICIAL NOTICE_WA_Parliament (pdf)

From the Notice:

Questions for Answer
1) In order to become binding law on the people of Western Australia, has the Aboriginal Culture Heritage Act 2021(ACT), fully satisfied the Democratic requirements to overcome the prohibition at ss 2(2)(3) Constitution Act 1889 (WA), in order to become valid law?

2) Notwithstanding the effects of COVID, what evidence can be provided by your department validating official notice of the proposed Act to each registered property owner listed on the Registry of Title at Landgate;

3) Will the proclamation of the Aboriginal Culture Heritage Act 2021 be in full compliant to s 5 Interpretation Act 1984 for Royal Assent, being the executive power of the United Kingdom?

4) How may this Act override the rights of a Bona Fide proprietor (Fee Simple) pursuant to s 63 Transfer Land Act 1889 (TLA)?

5) What evidence does the WA Government rely on in order to grant a right of claim” to any third party to trespass on the rights of a property owner protected by indefeasibility at law? And

6) How may the land of a bona Fide Proprietor be liable to a said Act that has not fulfilled the requirements of s 58 Transfer Land Act 1889 (including, but not limited to, ss20 to 62 TLA and s 37 (1) ((a) to (f)),(2) Interpretation Act 1984 ?


Western Australia Constitution Act 1889
Constitution Act 1889
(pdf) (URL)

2. Legislature to be constituted in Western Australia
(1) There shall be, in place of the Legislative Council now subsisting, a Legislative Council and a Legislative Assembly:
and it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the said Council and Assembly, to make laws for the peace, order, and good Government of the Colony of Western Australia and its Dependencies: and such Council and Assembly shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, have all the powers and functions of the now subsisting Legislative Council.
(2) The Parliament of Western Australia consists of the Queen and the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly.
(3) Every Bill, after its passage through the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, shall, subject to section 73, be presented to the Governor for assent by or in the name of the Queen and shall be of no effect unless it has been duly assented to by or in the name of the Queen.

Western Australia Interpretation Act 1984, Part II, s5, Terms used in written laws.

Her Majesty, His Majesty, Queen, King, or Crown means the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, and Head of the Commonwealth and includes the predecessors and the heirs and successors of the Sovereign;”


Transfer of Land Act 1893 (current)
58. Instruments not effectual until registered
No instrument until registered in manner herein provided shall be effectual to pass any estate or interest in any land under the operation of this Act or to render such land liable to any mortgage or charge or to make any dealing in respect of Crown land effective, as the case requires; but upon such registration the estate or interest comprised in the instrument shall pass or as the case may be the land shall become liable in manner and subject to the covenants and conditions set forth and specified in the instrument or by this Act declared to be implied in instruments of a like nature, or the dealing in respect of Crown land is made effective, as the case required.
[Section 58 amended: No. 81 of 1996 s. 32; No. 31 of 1997 s. 97.]

62. Notice to be published before effect given to order
(1) Before making any such order the court or judge or Commissioner shall cause notice of the intention so to do to be advertised once at least in one newspaper published in the city of Perth or circulating in the neighbourhood of the land and shall appoint a time within which it shall be lawful for any person interested to show cause against such order being made.


Black’s Law Dictionary
A person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel, or solicitor. Any person who, for fee or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record or other judicial tribunals of the United States, or of any of the states, or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause or matter whatever.

Lawyer noun
One who is versed in the law, or is a practitioner of law; one whose profession is to prosecute or defend suits in courts, or advise clients as to their legal rights, and aid them in securing those rights. It is a general term, comprehending attorneys, counselors, solicitors, proctors, barristers, Serjeants, and advocates.

Posted by admin in Constitution

FOI – Head of Power

FOI23154 – FOI Decision Letter and Attachment A (complete letter)

Freedom of information request FOI23/154 – Decision letter
The purpose of this letter is to give you a decision about your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) which you submitted to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC) and which was transferred under s 16 to the Attorney-General’s Department (the department).

Your request

You made an FOI request to PMC on 7 March 2023 in the following terms

I seek the law made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, binding on all the courts, judges and people of every State and every part of the Commonwealth for the valid creation of a title for the King to adopt in relation to Australia and its Territories.

I seek the document or instrument containing the enumerated head of power to create the Act known as the Royal Styles and Titles, made under the constitution, binding on all the courts, judges and people of every State and every part of the Commonwealth.

On 8 March 2023 the department accepted transfer of your request from PMC.

On 20 March 2023 the department acknowledged your request.

A decision for your request is due by 6 April 2023.

My decision

I am an officer authorised under section 23(1) of the FOI Act to make decisions in relation to freedom of information requests made to the department.

In making my decision, I have taken the following into account:

the terms of your request

advice provided to me by officers with responsibility for matters to which your request relates

the provisions of the FOI Act, and

the Guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner under section 93A of the FOI Act
(the Guidelines).

Section 24A of the FOI Act relevantly provides that an agency or Minister may refuse a request for access to a document if all reasonable steps have been taken to find the document and the agency is satisfied that the document:
is in the agency’s possession but cannot be found, or

does not exist.

When considering a decision to refuse access under section 24A of the FOI Act, the Guidelines relevantly
provide at paragraph 3.89 that an agency or minister should take comprehensive steps to locate documents, having regard to:

the subject matter of the documents

the current and past file management systems and the practice of destruction or removal of documents

the record management systems in place

the individuals within an agency or minister’s office who may be able to assist with the location of documents, and

the age of the documents.

To identify the documents for your request, I arranged for staff likely to be able to identify documents to undertake comprehensive searches of relevant departmental information holdings. In particular, a departmental staff member with responsibility for processing FOI requests interrogated the department’s records management system using search terms which were developed with reference to the information provided in the scope of your request. Despite these efforts, no relevant documents were identified.

Having regard to the above, I am satisfied that reasonable steps to locate the documents to which you have sought access were undertaken. I am also satisfied that the documents do not exist within the department’s records holdings. I have therefore decided to refuse access pursuant to section 24A of the FOI Act.

Posted by admin in Constitution