Petition of Commonwealth Office
Commonwealth of Australia
Your Majesty,
Your attention is humbly drawn, for address to, an emergency concerning the Commonwealth of Australia, of unlawful revolutions that have been promoted and advanced in recent decades in both the federal and State realms of the Commonwealth. That these changes to our rights have taken place beyond the awareness of Your subjects, as no warnings are known to have been orated or published under the watchman principles, and to which relief is sought to redress the restoration of the Commonwealth as in accordance with the law by way of oath undertaken and appointment to Commonwealth office for that task.
May it be understood, and addressed, that the people of the Commonwealth, and the tribal people ancestral to this continent, having been denied their rights, seek address to usurpation of legitimate governance.
And may it be further attended that the people of the Commonwealth require access to legitimate venue, in obligation to maintain the Commonwealth at the fifth clause of the foundation act, and;
WHEREAS, the people of the Commonwealth, united as a Subjects of Your Majesty, our Constitutional Monarch, humbly rely on the Crown for the blessings of Almighty God do hereby give notice of our intention and pray for relief to the urgency arisen;
And Whereas Foremost, the tribal people, having title as the original land holders of the Australian continent, have an inherent right to fulfil their aspirations in exercise of their people’s sovereignty in dialogue with the legitimate government for the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, this Petition seeks of Your Majesty address to the trespass and the denial of the rights of Her subjects in the Commonwealth of Australia, where their Commonwealth authority is expressed in the foundation law: the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, an act of the Imperial Parliament;
And Whereas, an urgency has arisen, manifested by the dictates, of the several governments within the States, that impose upon the very rights we are entitled to enjoy by constitutional guarantee wherever the Crown is present;
And Whereas, upon review of the events, in which this has come pass, it is apparent that the Crown guarantees have been dismantled in a scheme, advanced by stealth over the course of the last several decades, to usurp the power of the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, usurpation of the Commonwealth is a distress for which address by the highest office is warranted;
The Crown
And Whereas, the Crown of the United Kingdom is the paramount power in the Commonwealth by which Your Majesty, as the Sovereign, exclusively represents;
And Whereas, Your Majesty provides for the rights of all of Her subjects where the Crown is present;
And Whereas, the Crown represents the laws of God in protection of the people;
The Sovereign
And Whereas, the Hallsbury’s Laws of England expresses the manner in which the monarch may rule as in accordance to that as advised by Your Majesty’s ministers of the Government of the United Kingdom; “Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith”;
And Whereas, Your Majesty’s title is reserved to represent the Crown in the expression, “and of Her other realms and territories”, that includes the Commonwealth of Australia;
And Whereas, the Sovereign for the Commonwealth is determined, by issuance of Letters Patent for Governors, in fulfilment to the second clause of the foundation law for the Commonwealth, to be Your Majesty, “in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom”;
And Whereas, the performance of the office of the Queen in the Constitution is further controlled by the section 30, Acts Interpretation Act 1889, and replicated by section 10, Acts Interpretation Act 1978 of the United Kingdom, to mandate the office of the Queen to strict application and performance;
And Whereas, section 10, Acts Interpretation Act 1978, reads in part: “….. references to the Sovereign reigning at the time of the passing of the Act or to the Crown shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as references to the Sovereign for the time being, and this Act shall be binding on the Crown”;
And Whereas, section 10, Acts Interpretation Act 1978, supports the fifth clause of the foundation law for the Commonwealth to comply with the second clause for performance of the Queen;
And Whereas, section 11, Interpretation Act 1984 of Western Australia, mandates the performance of the Sovereign upon a law reference, “A reference in a written law to the Sovereign reigning at the time the law was enacted or made, or to the Crown, shall be construed as a reference to the Sovereign for the time being.”;
And Whereas, the Letters Patent for Western Australia, as issued under ‘Queen of United Kingdom’, provides for the appointments of judges and magistrates exclusively by Your Majesty;
The Commonwealth
And Whereas, the Constitution of the Commonwealth is exclusively reserved to the application to the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, The Commonwealth is “one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom”, is an application and an operation of the Commonwealth inseparable to the Crown;
And Whereas, the Constitution reserves and defines the re-organisation of the several former colonies into States within the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the Constitution for the Commonwealth exclusively vests the executive, legislative and judicial power into Your Majesty;
And Whereas, the Commonwealth is a trust arrangement for the beneficiaries, the Australian People;
And Whereas, the Commonwealth is a trust arrangement where the government is the trustee to exercise limited defined powers of the Constitution;
The Great Seal of the Commonwealth
And Whereas, the Letters Patent of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, provides for the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia to represent the authority of the Crown for use by the Governor-General in the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia had been defaced, in 1973, by means otherwise than that of the Crown;
And Whereas, The Great Seal of Australia, struck for substitution in 1973, is not the authoritative seal for the Commonwealth of Australia;
Commonwealth Compliance
And Whereas, the Constitution of the Commonwealth is reserved to the Commonwealth of Australia pursuant to the words of the Preamble; “to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth”, and the second clause which binds the Crown; “shall extend to Her Majesty’s heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom”;
And Whereas, the fifth clause binds the people pursuant to the words; “This Act, ….., shall be binding on the …. people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth”;
And Whereas, Her Majesty’s ministers and members of Parliament are committed to the task by Oath to well and truly serve the Sovereign pursuant to the words of the Schedule; “do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law”;
And Whereas, Your Majesty’s Officers and Servicemen are committed to the task by Oath to well and truly serve the Sovereign;
And Whereas, the oath undertaken by Commonwealth servicemen/women to execute and maintain the laws of the Commonwealth is in common purpose to the above-said Schedule;
And Whereas, no Commonwealth soldier, airman or sailor, may violate their oath stand idly by in the face of serious breaches of contempt to the laws of the Commonwealth or give regard to the usurpation committed by our politicians and inaction on behalf of the Police;
Commonwealth Right
And Whereas, the People of the Commonwealth are Your Majesty’s subjects entitled to redress in Your Majesty’s courts;
And Whereas, Your Majesty’s courts includes the operation of the common law of England;
And Whereas, the People of the Commonwealth are entitled to a form of government that is contained within the limitations imposed by the foundation Act for the Commonwealth;
Commonwealth Travel
And Whereas, the colonial boundaries were removed from the January 1st, 1901, as defined in Clause 8 prefacing the Constitution, where separate societies became one
And Whereas, from 1901, travel across State borders became travel within the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, State borders may not operate, other than a political construct, within the Commonwealth to restrict travel of Her Majesty’s subjects;
And Whereas, State and Australian Administrative Governments impose travel restrictions across State borders on the people;
And Whereas, the law does not provide Your Majesty to entitle the civilian Police become Paramilitary Police and limit the free travel across political State borders;
And Whereas, the Australian People have the right to Commonwealth protection, inseparable from the Crown, that prevent the Commonwealth Armed Forces carrying arms when deployed to assist the general public and protect them from the Armed Forces of the States. Exception is found in the 22nd SAS Regiment which according to law, namely Its Oath of Service owes allegiance to the Sovereign of S 16 Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth);
And Whereas, the Governments of Australia cause the State Police to commit crimes against the people by declarations for restrictions on State borders;
Government of the Commonwealth
And Whereas, the Constitution provides for the executive government to be sworn and in compliance of the oath in the Schedule to the Constitution;
And Whereas, Your Majesty’s ministers are to have taken the oath in the schedule;
Denial of the Commonwealth
And Whereas, the Constitution provides for no recognition, nor exercise of Commonwealth power to the ‘Australian Government’, it may not claim the Constitution a source of authority;
And Whereas, the Constitution is not a source of authority for the ‘Australian Government’, where otherwise there has been implemented an inversion of the trust arrangement to which the grantor/ beneficiaries, the People, have been made the trustee/servant, and the Australian Government the grantor/master;
And Whereas, the ‘Australian Government’ pretends the Commonwealth power as it has no source of power and its lawful source of authority has not been demonstrated;
And Whereas, the several States, in concert with the ‘Australian Government’, have reorganised themselves, under a federal scheme diverse and opposed to that of the Commonwealth, they have inverted the trust and deposed the people of their power and authority;
And Whereas, the said several Governments pretend their power outside that of the Commonwealth, they have extended their directives and dictates beyond the limitations imposed for good government and well-being of the Australian people;
And Whereas, the said several Governments have extended their directives and dictates outside the laws of the Commonwealth, there has arisen an urgency of tyranny and oppression of the people;
Australia Acts 1986
And Whereas, the Labor Governments, in majority possession of the parliaments across the Commonwealth in 1986, advanced the scheme that became the Australia Act 1986, to sever the ties to the Crown in violation of the Constitution;
And Whereas, the Australia Act 1986 is further in conflict with Your Letters Patent, of 1986, for Governor of Western Australia where judges and magistrates may be appointed and sworn to Your Majesty exclusively, denying the severance of the Crown ties;
Australian Government
And Whereas, the various governments extended from the original Federal Commonwealth no longer are in fulfilment of the foundation law and its limitations;
And Whereas, those current governments claim a pretended authority unto themselves without constitutional foundation;
And Whereas, the current practiced federal scheme pretends an authority, the ‘Australian Government’, it has inverted the trust to make the ‘Australian Government’ the master;
And Whereas, the current practiced federal scheme pretends an authority, the ‘Australian Government’, it has inverted the trust to make the Australian people the servant;
And Whereas, the pretended authority is expressly intended for use within a political entity construct, as expressed in the preamble of the Royal Styles and Titles Act 1973, separate and diverse from the Commonwealth of Australia;
And Whereas, that the political construct, diverse and separate to the Commonwealth, in current use as ‘Australia and its Territories’, is not provided for in the Constitution for the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the federal Government and its agencies issue their notices and letters under the letterhead name ‘Australian Government’;
And Whereas, the issuance of notices and letters under the name ‘Australian Government’ is notice that the government or agency is not a Commonwealth government or agency;
And Whereas, the ‘Australian Government’ is not a government of the Commonwealth, as defined in the Constitution, it may not claim the same as an instrument of authority;
And Whereas, the ‘Australian Government’ is not defined in the Constitution it may exercise no Crown or Commonwealth power;
And Whereas, officials of the ‘Australian Government’ fail to make disclosure of their nature and source of authority as distinct and separate to that of the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the Australian Government has failed to make sufficient notice to declare their administration is in contradistinction to that of the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the ‘Australian Government’ conducts its affairs without, and in contradistinction to that of, the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the ‘Australian Government has no constitution for its origin and establishment;
And Whereas, the Parliament of Australia is not the Parliament of the Commonwealth;
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973
And Whereas, the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 has no source of power within the Commonwealth Constitution to become law;
And Whereas, the title, an entity construct, ‘Queen of Australia’ within the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 was intended for use within ‘Australia and its Territories’;
And Whereas, the title for use in ‘Australia and its Territories’, ‘Queen of Australia’, is not that of the Your Majesty, as required for the Commonwealth pursuant to the second clause before the Constitution;
And Whereas, the title/office, ‘Queen of Australia’, has no basis in law and is not the lawful reference to ‘the Queen’ in the Constitution;
And Whereas, ‘Queen of Australia’ is not recognised to exercise executive, legislative and judicial power provided for in the Constitution;
And Whereas, the federal and State governments continue the use of the invalid title, ‘Queen of Australia’;
And Whereas, those legal practices of the federal and State Governments without the power of the Crown, by authority of the Sovereign, as ‘Queen of United Kingdom’, violates, and is in contempt of the Constitution;
Constitutional Committee Reports 1988
And Whereas, a Constitutional Commission was formed in 1985 to investigate the practice of the Commonwealth and State Governments, in relation to the Commonwealth Constitution, and publish the results in two (First & Final) Constitutional Commission (CC) Reports of 1988;
And Whereas, the Constitutional Reports found a great number of legal practices of the federal and State governments were inconsistent or unsupported by the Constitution of the Commonwealth;
And Whereas, the Constitutional Reports recommended measures to promote the alteration of the Constitution of the Commonwealth for alteration by referendum to provide for and recognise those said legal practices that were taken to be beyond the constitutional limitations imposed upon the federal and State Governments;
And Whereas, those recommendations for alteration or inclusion by referendum were not advanced and put to the Australian people;
And Whereas, the first bill, recommended for constitution alteration, intended to promote the title for the Queen, attempted by the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973, in substitution of Your title, ‘Queen of United Kingdom’;
And Whereas, the recommendation for the inclusion of the 1973 title, ‘Queen of Australia’, in the Constitution for the Commonwealth, by change to the Second clause before the Constitution, does not avail itself to be put to the Australian electorate pursuant to section 128;
And Whereas, the constitutional clauses, preceding the Constitution for the Commonwealth, do not avail to be altered by referendum at section 128;
Commonwealth Celebration
And Whereas, the celebrations of the Centenary of the Commonwealth were held across Australia in 2001 were those of the Commonwealth, as established for one hundred years;
And Whereas, the referendum held in 1999 confirmed the Commonwealth of Australia pursuant to the foundation law, as celebrated fourteen months thereafter;
Pretended Laws
And Whereas, the Uniform Tax case of 1948 Justice Latham provides for the principle of laws made without a source of authority: “A pretended law made in excess of power is not and never has been a law at all. Anybody in the country is entitled to disregard it”;
And Whereas, the ‘Parliament of Australia’, as having no constitutional foundation, is a pretended parliament;
And Whereas, the bills passed under the ‘Parliament of Australia’ did not receive the Royal Assent pursuant to the second clause to the Constitution, not the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia;
And Whereas, the bills passed, from 1973, under the ‘Parliament of Australia’, are pretended laws;
And Whereas, the amendment and repeal of Commonwealth law made under the Parliament of Australia are to be taken as pretended amendments and repeals;
And Whereas, the amendment and repeal of the Crimes Act 1914 by the Parliament of Australia include those provisions for Treachery and Sedition at several sections at 24AA, B & C;
And Whereas, the MINUTE 445 by LINDELL, dated March 20, 1973, from the Department of the Attorney-General to the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs stated: “(t)he absence in the Constitution of any enumerated power to pass laws touching the Succession to the Throne or the Royal Styles and Titles”;
And Whereas, the Whitlam government was in knowledge that the invention of an office of the Queen was pretended by the document: MINUTE 445 by LINDELL;
Criminal Offences
And Whereas, the ‘Australian Government’ pretends a power of the Commonwealth it violates the provisions of the Crimes Act 1914 to do with Treachery and Sedition, amongst others;
And Whereas, the provisions of Sedition within the Crimes Act 1914 holds the Parliament of Australia as a seditious enterprise;
And Whereas, the provisions of Treachery within the Crimes Act 1914 holds the government, under Gough Whitlam, in superseding and usurping the powers of the Commonwealth, as having committed treachery;
And Whereas, the provisions of Sedition within the Crimes Act 1914 holds the Labor governments at the time of 1984 to 1986, in severing the ties to the Crown, as having committed treachery;
And Whereas, the several States exercise power within the scheme of the ‘Australian Government’ they, likewise, violate the provisions of the Crimes Act 1914 to do with Treachery and Sedition, amongst others;
And Whereas, the Treason Felony Act 1848 has been recently reported in Australia that “is still a crime in Britain to call for the abolition of the monarchy”;
And Whereas, it is treason felony to “compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend”: (a) to deprive the Queen of her crown, (b) to levy war against the Queen, or (c) to “move or stir” any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the Queen;
And Whereas, the Labor government under Gough Whitlam, in1972, secretly devised a scheme to substitute the government’s authority, ‘Australian Government’, in place of that of the Commonwealth violates the foundation law and denies the Commonwealth and Queen of its rightful position by stealth;
And Whereas, the secret scheme to deny the Commonwealth and Queen was implemented in 1973 is an illegal act as an offence to both the Crimes Act 1914 and Treason Felony Act 1848;
And Whereas, there is vacancy of Your Right, for the presence of the Crown, in and over the Commonwealth.
I humbly petition Your Majesty that right may be done to restore the Crown to its rightful sovereign position, as had been done in the United Kingdom by the event of Brexit, and recognise the administration of my parliamentary oath as under-taken on August 30th, 2016 at Federal Parliament, Capital Hill, Canberra, ACT, as lawfully intended in service to you, and the Commonwealth, as valid and enforceable under obligation in the capacity as Your dutiful officer of, and as watchman to, the Commonwealth, that the People may heed the warnings of this danger, and begin the implementation for our restoration of the Realm and the People’s authority.
In Your Majesty’ Service,
Rodney Norman Culleton
September 13, 2021
Petition closed.